








In Germany, the engagement ceremony (Verlobung) is an important step before the wedding. Usually, the man will give a diamond ring after the successful proposal, indicating the decision to enter into marriage with the woman. After the engagement, the families of both parties will arrange an engagement party to celebrate the decision. In addition, the bride will have a gathering with female friends and family members the night before the wedding, called "Polterabend". On this night, the bride will break ceramic bowls, plates, and other items with her female friends, symbolizing that she will leave the single life behind.

The wedding ceremony in Germany usually takes place in a church or city hall. In a church wedding, the groom will enter first and wait for the bride to arrive. The bride will walk towards the groom with her father, and the two will exchange vows and rings under the guidance of the priest. Finally, they will become a legal couple under the blessing of the priest. In a city hall wedding, the ceremony is presided over by the mayor, and the couple needs to apply to the city government in advance.

The celebration of a German wedding usually lasts for a whole day. Before the celebration, the bride and groom will receive blessings outside the church or city hall from friends and family. Then, the couple will take wedding photos under the guidance of the photographer. The evening banquet is usually held in the same place as the wedding, with music, dance, and food. At the banquet, the couple will have their first dance, and then friends and family will join in the dancing to celebrate the wedding.