
重阳节的习俗英文:Detailed Description of Traditional Customs of Double Ninth Festival in China


Double Ninth Festival, also known as Chongyang Festival, is a traditional Chinese festival that falls on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month. It is a time to pay respect to the elderly and enjoy the autumn scenery. The festival has a long history and rich cultural connotations, and various customs and activities have been developed over time to celebrate this special day.

Ascending Heights

One of the most popular customs on Double Ninth Festival is to climb mountains or hills, which is known as "Ascending Heights" or "Climbing High". This tradition has been practiced for thousands of years and is believed to have originated from Taoism. People believe that climbing to a high place can help them avoid disaster and bring good luck, and it is also a way to exercise and enjoy the beautiful scenery of autumn. Many famous mountains in China, such as Huangshan, Taishan, and Emeishan, are particularly crowded during this time.

Eating Chongyang Cake

Another important custom of Double Ninth Festival is to eat Chongyang Cake, which is a kind of pastry made of glutinous rice flour, sugar, and various nuts and fruits. The cake is usually shaped like a tower or a mountain, with nine layers or nine pieces, symbolizing longevity and good fortune. Eating Chongyang Cake is a way to express good wishes for the elderly and oneself, and it is also a delicious treat that is enjoyed by people of all ages.

Drinking Chrysanthemum Wine

Drinking Chrysanthemum Wine is another traditional activity on Double Ninth Festival. Chrysanthemum is a flower that blooms in autumn and is believed to have medicinal properties. People make wine by soaking chrysanthemum petals in rice wine or liquor, which is said to help prevent colds and boost immunity. Drinking Chrysanthemum Wine is also a way to appreciate the beauty of the flower and to celebrate the harvest season.

Flying Kites

Flying Kites is a popular activity for children and adults on Double Ninth Festival. Kites come in various shapes and colors, and people often write their wishes or blessings on the kite before flying it. It is believed that the higher the kite flies, the better the luck will be. Flying Kites is also a way to enjoy the cool breeze and the clear sky of autumn, and to release stress and worries.

Visiting Ancestral Graves

Visiting Ancestral Graves is a solemn and respectful activity on Double Ninth Festival. It is a way to pay tribute to the ancestors and to show filial piety. People usually clean the graves, offer incense and flowers, and burn paper money or other offerings. It is also a time to remember the past and to reflect on the present.


Double Ninth Festival is a time-honored festival that reflects the Chinese culture and values. The customs and activities associated with this festival are diverse and meaningful, and they provide opportunities for people to connect with each other and with nature. Whether it is climbing mountains, eating cake, drinking wine, flying kites, or visiting graves, people celebrate Double Ninth Festival with joy and reverence.