


the is just the , we will ring in the year of the rate out , it is at the of the , to the 23:00 pm and 1:00 ame, ." all the got up in the and to the the rat, a by on the ox's back. when the to give them , the rat on the head of the ox was .在最广为人知的版本中,黄帝(中国人的神和祖先)号召所有的动物在国家初建之时登记十二生肖,以“先到先得”为原则。所有的动物都起了大早,匆匆赶往目的地,只有老鼠例外,它找到了一条捷径,藏在牛背上。当黄帝开始下令时,站在牛头上的老鼠被命名为十二生肖之首。

in some , the rat was also said to have to wake up the cat, lost the to be as one of the . then, the died and they .在其他一些版本中,据说老鼠忘记叫醒猫,因此猫失去了被列入十二生肖的资格。从那以后,它们的友谊就结束了,成了敌人。

that folk are , but it 't stop them from told from to . 每个人都知道民间故事是虚构的,但这并不妨碍这些故事代代相传。


the of rat in the


no how the rat made into the in the , part of the has its and the of the .无论老鼠最初是如何进入十二生肖的,成为这个群体的一员已经改变了它的命运,老鼠的文化内涵得以扩展。

the sign of the rat like , and . born in the year of the rat are also to be with such . in some kung fu , the rat was also in with .


[ˈʃɪvəlrəs]:adj. 侠义的

are also a lot of , , the , and it has been by in and .中国有很多以老鼠为主题的诗歌、谚语、童话故事,中国传统绘画和雕塑中也有描绘。

but is not . in , rats also be , , and . 但老鼠的形象并不总是正面的。在中国文化中,老鼠也被认为是狡猾、贪婪和鬼鬼祟祟的。
